Our Vision, Mission & Values

To be amongst the leading independent assurance and business advisory companies in the SADC region.

To maintain our leadership role in the industry by strengthening our professional management capacity in meeting the dynamic demands of the wide spectrum of all our clients.

– Absolute Client Confidentiality
– Maintenance of high professional and ethical standards
– Collaborative Global Network adventurism to give our clients maximum international exposure

Company Background

Founded in 1991, KQ Group comprising Kobla Quashie and Associates and KQ Consulting (Proprietary) Limited was founded as a small efficient outfit to provide assurance and business advisory services in Eswatini.

Within a decade KQ Group has become the largest independent firm of assurance and business advisory service provider in Eswatini and it is still growing. The rapid growth has been achieved through the quality of our work and more importantly through dedicated qualified men and women committed to a tradition of dynamic professionalism.

With a strong local identity, we remain constantly focused on strong personal relationship with our clients.We believe in the value of relationships.  We view every client relationship as a partnership and truly believe that our success is a result of the success of our clients.

Management is constantly engaged with a team of dedicated professionals in a dynamic search for innovative ways of meeting the challenges of our demanding clients and customers. In pursuit of this mission, our attention to detail in everything we do is a testimony to the confidence we enjoy among the wide spectrum of clients we work for.  We are committed to providing close personal attention to our clients.  The personal assistance we provide our clients is from years of advanced training, technical experience and financial acumen.  In this regard our continued investment of time and resources in continuing professional education, state of the art computer technology and extensive business relationships are indicative of our commitment to excellence.

We intend to continue in our leadership role as the largest independent firm of Assurance and Business Advisory service providers in the Kingdom of Eswatini. We invite you to come and experience our proven integrity and professional dynamism at the cutting edge of our industry.