Recruitment Services

KQ Consulting (Pty) Ltd has a reputable track record in providing recruitment services to clients in all the sectors of the Swazi economy and the SADC region.
In pursuit of sound human resource practices and to ensure transparency throughout the recruitment and selection process, the firm makes use of the Thomas International Management Systems. Thomas International is the world’s leading provider of scientifically developed human capital management, recruitment and assessment tools such as psychometric tests. This tool assesses the suitability of, and required development for, an individual for a specific job, beyond qualifications, experience and looks at the employee in totality and in terms of the person-to-job match. The results from the Thomas International Personal Profile Analysis will assist in making informed choices about person-to-job match and the person-to-organization compatibility. We produce reports in such areas as:

  • Personal Profile of each of the candidate;
  • Person-to-Position Comparison and Compatibility;
  • Technical Skills Audit, perceived strengths and limitations;
  • Interview Guide that probes the candidates individually.

We are an accredited user of this system and our consultants have undergone intensive training programs in the use and the application of the software, one of the very few of such qualifications within the practice in Swaziland. We have successfully been able to apply this system to a number of corporate clients both in Swaziland and the SADC region. So if you are looking for a career change or have staffing requirements, let our experts handle it for you using the latest technology available in the market.