Chief Executive Officer

Daniel Bediako
Professional qualifications
- University of Ghana – Bachelor of Science (Admin)
- Certificate in Value Added Tax(VAT) UNISA
- Advance Program in Taxation –UNISA
Membership of Professional Associations
- FCCA(UK)Fellow the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants
- CA(SD) Chartered Accountant Swaziland
- CIA- Certified Internal Auditor
- CFE- Certified Fraud Examiners
- Member – The Chartered Institute of Taxation(UK)
- General Practitioner- The South Africa Institute of Tax Practitioners.
Areas of Specialization
- External Audit– Assurance Audits
- Forensic Audit
- Projects audits,(EC, World Bank, AFDB, IFAD, other Donors)
- Internal Audit
- Performance Audit
- Procurement Audit
- Tax Advisory Services
- Accounting and Financial Management
- Policy Development and Corporate Governance
- Business Process Engineering
- Compliance Monitoring and Project Appraisal
Daniel is the CEO in charge of the KQ Group’s operations. In addition to his Audit and Advisory responsibilities he also heads the Corporate Support Service unit of the Group. Prior to joining KQA he was with Ernst and Young (Swaziland) and Deloitte and Touche (Ghana) where he worked on both audit and consulting assignments. In addition to being a Chartered Accountant, Daniel is a Certified Internal Auditor and also a Certified Fraud Examiner. He is currently pursuing a course in International Taxation and has been recently admitted as a member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation based in the United Kingdom. Daniel therefore splits his time as an External Audit Assurance Provider, a Forensic Audit Expert, an Internal Audit Expert, expert in Taxation and also as a Management Consultant.
Daniel has worked in Countries such as Ghana, South Africa, Namibia and Canada. His portfolio of clients include: the Namibian Government, the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland, The Swaziland Environmental Authority, The Swaziland Standards Authority, National Maize Corporation, Swaziland Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, Komati Basin River Authority, Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration Council, NERCHA, The Office of the Registrar of Insurance and Pension Fund, Central Bank of Swaziland, NERCHA, Swaziland Energy Regulatory Authority, Swaziland Civil Aviation Authority, UNDP, UNFPA, the European Union and several International Donor Partners and NGO.
Daniel has a strong drive for mentoring, training and providing professional guidance to both staff and clients He also dedicate his spare time in providing communal services within various social and religious cycles in both Swaziland and beyond.